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        International Scheme Solicitation for Conceptual Planning of Culture and Tourism Integration Development Demonstration Area of Bazhong(shorted as the‘Project’)is sponsored by Bazhong Culture and Tourism Development Group Co.,Ltd.(shorted as the‘Sponsor’).Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.is entrusted by the Sponsor to conduct this Project.We welcome all eligible applicants to participate in this Project.5 applicants who have passed the Prequalification will enter the following solicitation stage as qualified Participants.

        1 項(xiàng)目背景


        This project aims to enhance the international and domestic influence of Bazhong.Adhering to the 5 development concepts of"innovation,coordination,green,open and sharing",we hereby solicit planning schemes with international standards,world vision,Chinese characteristics and cultural and tourism integration from excellent designers domestically and internationally.To promote the planning and construction of Bazhong cultural tourism new area,and finally form a complete planning and construction management and control system of Bazhong culture and tourism new area"overall planning+conceptual planning+land and space planning+detailed planning+planning and construction implementation guidelines".

        2 征集方式


        This project is divided into 2 stages:planning stage and conceptual planning and design stage.


        Planning stage:5 Participants need to complete the overall planning within the area of about 1606.1919 square kilometers.After the Jury’s review,the top 3 Participants will enter the next stage.


        Conceptual planning and design stage:3 Participants shall carry out conceptual planning and design according to the scope defined in the reviewed overall planning.The conceptual planning and design scheme shall include the project LOQ and investment estimation,and there shall be detailed design schemes of at least 2 key plots to support the scheme.After the solicitation,the first-ranked Participant is determined as the winning Participant to carry out follow-up work.


        The follow-up work of the winning Participant is scheme integration and land and space planning.The winning Participant shall complete the integration of conceptual planning and design schemes,prepare the land and space planning of the demonstration area and provide 2-year general control consulting services in combination with the relevant requirements of the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning on land and space planning,nature reserves,ecological red line control,permanent basic farmland and so on.If the 1st ranked Participant gives up the integration and planning work,the 2nd and 3rd ranked Participants will be replaced according to the order,and sign the service contract for the integration and integration of land and space planning and preparation of multiple towns in the demonstration area with the Sponsor,and be responsible for cooperating with the Sponsor to complete the scheme reporting work.

        3 合格申請(qǐng)人資格條件


        The Applicant shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a Consortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordance with laws;

        3.2申請(qǐng)人應(yīng)具有承擔(dān)本項(xiàng)目的相關(guān)資格及能力;The Applicant shall have the relevant qualification and ability to undertake the Project;


        Domestic Applicants shall provide:business license;AND qualification certificate of Grade A urban and rural planning;AND qualification certificate of Grade A tourism planning and design or qualification certificate of Grade A landscape design;AND Power of Attorney of Legal Representative and authorized agent’s ID card;AND Consortium Agreement(if applicable).


        International Applicants(including Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)shall provide:business license or practice license;AND Power of Attorney of Legal Representative and authorized agent’s photo ID;AND Consortium Agreement.


        This Project accepts applicants from Consortium,and the number of Consortium members shall not exceed 3.Any member of the Consortium shall neither individually participate in the prequalification on its own,nor concurrently participate as a member of another Consortium.Each member of the Consortium should meet the requirements of Item 3.3 and 3.4.


        The above-mentioned materials shall be provided when entering the online prequalification document collection process.

        4 資格預(yù)審文件的獲取


        All potential Applicants who are interested in participating in this solicitation can register and download this prequalification document through Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.website(https://www.shabidding.com)from September 10th,2021 to 4:00pm September 17th,2021(Beijing time,same hereinafter).


        Those who have never registered before shall provide scanned copies of"Special Authorization Letter and Letter of Commitment for Supplier Registration"(downloaded from the supplier registration page),the business license and other basic documents as required.Applicants should prepare in advance and apply as soon as possible to avoid affecting the procurement process of prequalification document.


        Registered Applicants can enter the online prequalification document collection process from the corresponding announcement on the website purchase bulletin board.The solicitation agency does not accept the application documents submitted by Applicants who have not registered on the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(www.shabidding.com)and have no download record of the prequalification document.


        The Applicant's successful collection of the prequalification document does not mean that the qualifications meet certain requirements.Whether the Applicant passes the qualification evaluation is determined by the Prequalification Jury.

        5 資格預(yù)審《申請(qǐng)文件》的遞交


        The prequalification application documents should be submitted in the form of electronic documents AND paper documents.The deadline for submission is 4:00pm September 22nd,2021.The time of submission is subject to the time when the Email reaches the inbox.Any late submission will not be accepted.


        The electronic documents include a full set of scanned copies(PDF format)and word documents of the original application documents.Applicants should submit by clicking the“tender documents”button under the procurement webpage to upload the electronic documents(please do not encrypt compressed file).


        Applications should submit paper documents and deliver to:19F,Qinchuan Grand Hotel,238 Jiangbei Avenue(W),Bazhou District,Bazhong,Sichuan.The Recipient is:Xingtong LIU.When there is inconsistency between the electronic documents and paper documents,the electronic documents shall prevail.

        6 入圍方式


        Once Applicants have submitted prequalification application documents,the Prequalification Jury will conduct a comprehensive review of all Applicants and select 5 Applicants as shortlisted Participants for the formal solicitation stage,and 2 Applicants as candidate Participants.If the shortlisted Participants give up or withdraw from the formal solicitation stage,the candidate Participants will be replaced in order according to the ranking order of prequalification.After receiving the shortlisted notice,the shortlisted Participants shall submit the letter of commitment on time.If the Participant who submitted the letter of commitment withdraws or finally gives up participation due to its own reasons,the Sponsor has the right to refuse the Participant to participate in any project of the Sponsor in the future.

        7 方案征集費(fèi)


        Planning stage:The Jury will review the scheme and submit ranking suggestions to the Sponsor.The Sponsor will rank the scheme after the evaluation meeting.The 5 Applicants will receive the Design Fee according to the ranking:1st place is RMB 2,200,000(tax included,same below),2nd place is RMB 2,000,000,3rd place is RMB 1,800,000,4th and 5th place are RMB 1,500,000 respectively.The top 3 Participants will enter the next stage.


        Conceptual planning and design stage:The Jury will review the scheme and submit ranking suggestions to the Sponsor.The Sponsor will rank the scheme after the evaluation meeting.The 3 Applicants will all receive the Design Fee of RMB 1,000,000.the first-ranked Participant is determined as the winning Participant to carry out follow-up work.


        The winning Participant shall carry out follow-up work and provide a 2-year general control consulting services.The contract for integration and land and space planning of the demonstration area signed with the Sponsor,with a contract amount of RMB 7,000,000.


        If the Jury makes the decision that the design scheme failed to meet the requirements set in the Design Program,the Jury shall provide written opinion to illuminate the specific unqualified design contents and the deduction result.More than half of the Jury must sign on it.The Sponsor is entitled to deduct a portion or all amount of the Design Fee according to the written opinion of the Jury.

        8 征集活動(dòng)時(shí)間安排


        The formal solicitation stage is expected to last 4 months,from late September,2021 to late January,2022.


        The following is a preliminary schedule.The Sponsor will adjust as needed and notify all Participants in writing in advance.






        September 10th








        September 10th, 2021 – 4:00pm September 17th, 2021


        Registration Opening for 

        Potential Applicant



        4:00pm September

         22nd, 2021



        Closing of Application Document Submission


        September 24th






        September 24th



        Releasing Prequalification Review Result


        September 28th




        Kickoff Meeting, Site Exploration and Q&A


        November 26th, 2021


        Planning Scheme 

        Review Meeting


        November 30th, 2021



        Releasing Planning Scheme Review Result


        January 14th, 2022



        Conceptual Planning and Design Deliverables Submission


        January 17th, 2022


        Conceptual Planning and Design Scheme Review Meeting


        January 21st, 2022


        Releasing Conceptual Planning and Design Scheme Review Result


        February 2022


        Follow-up Scheme 

        Integration and Land and Space Planning work

        9 公告發(fā)布的媒體


        PREQUALIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT is published on the following websites.The amendments and supplements to this announcement is subject to the content released via the following websites:


        Sichuan Daily,Bazhong Daily,Bazhong Culture and Tourism Development Group Co.,Ltd,China Procurement and Tendering,Bazhong Public Resource Exchange Service Platform,China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform and Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

        10 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)


        The shortlisted Participants will sign the Contract with the Sponsor and the Solicitation Agency.Applicants who submitted the application documents are deemed to have accepted the following terms of the intellectual property rights.


        The following“Party A”refers to the Sponsor,and“Party B”refers to the Participant.


        Party B,having stated to Party A that it has the Ownership&Intellectual Property Rights to the drawings,specifications,electronic files and other documents related to this Project(hereinafter referred to as the“Deliverables”).


        The Intellectual Property Rights of the Deliverables submitted by Party B belongs to Party A,and Party B holds the right of authorship for the Deliverables.Party B can comment on and display the relevant contents of the Deliverables in the forms of media communication,trade magazines,and publications among others upon Party A’s consent in writing.Except for Party B's design standards,design guidelines and drawing elements,Party B shall not use the Deliverables in other planning and design projects.


        Party A has the right to use all or part of the Deliverables free of charge in the formulation of the planning,urban design,urban design guidelines,and architectural proposal guidance as well as urban operation,Park commercial operation,land transfer,planning and construction management of the Project.


        Party B shall ensure that the design scheme does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights(including but not limited to copyright and patent right)or proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person within or outside China.Party B shall guarantee that if its design scheme uses or contains the intellectual property rights or proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person,Party B has obtained the legal,effective and sufficient authorization of the owner.Party B shall be liable for all compensation liabilities arising from its infringement of others'intellectual property rights or proprietary technology or trade secrets.


        The Intellectual Property Rights of the basic design information(including design drawings,design materials,etc.)provided by Party A during the solicitation process belong to Party A and related design organizations.Party B can only use the documents aforementioned for the purpose of designing and compiling Deliverables.Without written consent from Party A,Party B shall not use the documents aforementioned for other engineering designs or other purposes,and shall not disclose the documents aforementioned to any third Party.

        11 其它


        All Applicants participating in this prequalification are deemed to have agreed and accepted all the content and terms of the prequalification document.


        The final right of interpretation of this Project and related documents is held by the Sponsor.

        12 聯(lián)系方式

        征集代理:上海國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限公司Solicitation Agency:Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.


        Address:14F,358 Yan An Road(W),Shanghai,China

        聯(lián)系人Contact Person:胡欣歡、張逸舟Ms.Xinhuan Hu,Ms.Yizhou Zhang



        郵箱Email:huxinhuan shabidding.com,zhangyizhou shabidding.com

        Bazhong Cultural Tourism Development Group CO., LTD.


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            曲阜市| 叙永县| 辽源市| 灵寿县| 元氏县| 天台县| 涡阳县| 科技| 灯塔市| 永嘉县| 哈密市| 青阳县| 邻水| 鹤峰县| 册亨县| 肥城市| 仙桃市| 平顶山市| 通州市| 英吉沙县| 嘉善县| 化德县| 甘德县| 会同县| 和顺县| 高唐县| 关岭| 教育| 墨竹工卡县| 宣化县| 上林县| 石泉县| 从化市| 双柏县| 绩溪县| 澄江县| 神木县| 巩留县| 额济纳旗| 武邑县| 宁武县| http://444 http://444 http://444